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Creating A Morning Routine With Yoga

If you have been trying yoga, but seem to have a hard time motivating yourself to do it on a regular basis, try turning it into a morning routine. This allows you to start your day off right with a healthy body and mind. Here are some tips for creating a morning routine with yoga.

Turn Off Distractions

Dedicate yourself to your morning routine by not having any outside distractions. If you can, try to avoid checking your phone or turning on the TV until you have finished with your morning routine. This will help you get in the right frame of mind every morning from the time you wake up, until it is time to get ready for work or for the rest of your day. If you use your phone as an alarm, turn it off, then shut the phone off or silence it so you are not tempted to check it during the rest of the morning routine.

Have More Of A Mindful Routine

Allow yourself to be more mindful each morning during your routine. This will automatically get you into a state of calm and relaxation, which will then help during your yoga practice. Being mindful means to really focus on the current moment and how you feel right now, instead of thinking into the future or thinking about what you experienced in the past. It is easy to incorporate into your morning routine by being mindful when you wake up, while walking your dogs or feeding your children, when getting in the shower, brushing your teeth, and doing your yoga or meditation in the morning. All of these acts are often done without much thought, but when you become more mindful, it is incredible and can really transform your life.

Create Additional Parts Of The Routine

There are also some other activities you can add to your morning routine in order to add to the entire experience, aside from just yoga. For example, you can add journaling to your routine. You can do this after yoga when you are relaxed and your mind is clear. It is also highly recommended that you wake with the sunrise. This simple practice just really sets you up for a positive, uplifting day. Some other things you can add to your morning routine include reading in a self-help book, making your day’s to-do list, meditating, having a glass of lemon water, or sipping on a soothing cup of herbal tea.

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